Creative graphic designs and illustrations specialist





QuickBooks Illustration Library


Quickbooks “Lifestyle Illustration”


Perhaps the biggest accomplishment of my professional career was working with the brand team at QuickBooks to give their illustration library an update. I developed a diverse and inclusive library depicting small business owners and employees going about their daily tasks.


These illustrations are featured across the entire QuickBooks ecosystem including email campaigns, marketing material, and within the product.


QuickBooks Icon Libraries


Quickbooks “Web Reimagine” Icon style

Quickbooks “Bolt” Product Icon style




TSheets Illustration Library


TSheets “Lifestyle Illustration” characters and layouts


TSheets Icon Library and Illustration Development


TSheets Icon Library examples

TSheets “Empty State” Illustrations used on the website and in the product.

TSheets Icon creation process

TSheets preliminary discovery illustration


TSheets mobile app experience


TSheets FTU Flow Introduction

TSheets Mobile app FTU example

TSheets Mobile FTU setup example



Proliance Surgeons East Side ENT Ear Nose Throat Icon Icons

Proliance Surgeons Icons

Illustrations for Compucom. Click to see the whole quiz on their site! 

Illustrations for Compucom. Click to see the whole quiz on their site! 




Hockey Icons

Rat Bathing in Elliot Bay

Uncomfortable Rat

Crouching Ratt ink process

Rat Overtaking Downtown Seattle

Hockey Guy Sketch